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Future plans and PDP

With design being such a broad subject I hope to find something that is enjoyable for me and where I see the most opportunities. I am very much interested in the product development market and on how I as a designer can make a difference in the consumer led world. That is why want to focus on the creation of sustainable products. Because it is not necessarily easy to add a sustainability aspect to each project I will try my best to look for sustainable opportunities for when this is added in the future. Besides that I want to focus on making products that are adjusted to the user’s needs.

For now I will focus on expending my knowledge in this year about data analytics through the course ‘foundations of data analytics’ and hopefully gain enough knowledge so that I can create complicated data analysis for when I might need it in future research for P3. I also want to expend my knowledge on business and entrepreneurship. By doing market research before starting on designing a specific product I can prevent designing the same product or I can see if other products might be outdated or can be drastically improved. After a project I might want to have an extensive user testing phase to see if the product has a chance of being profitable on the wider market. I might also want to broaden my network as it is a useful tool for when I am done with studying at the TU/e and need somewhere to get a head start.